Tagged: big data


The Graph Database Model

The Graph Database Model For too long, relational database management has been the de facto standard for most of us looking to store data and retrieve the different values as and when desired. However,...

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AWS Glue

AWS Glue Platform and Components AWS Glue is built on top of Apache Spark, which provides the underlying engine to process data records and scale to provide high throughput, all of which is transparent...


Big Data

“Big Data” Just as the name itself implies ‘Big Data’ is  huge amount data with complex structure and that grows exponentially with time. Such a data is so large and complex that none of...


Features of RDD & its Operations

Lets look at some of the more appealing features of apache spark and RDD. Apache Spark performs in-memory computation, also it evaluates RDDs lazily i.e. they do not compute their results right away. Instead,...


Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)

Before we discuss Resilient Distributed Dataset , lets see how do we launch Spark? A Spark shell executable file is usually present in Spark version folder which in turn is present under the “opt”...


Apache Spark Architecture

From the image shown above one can easily understand the huge dynamics of spark. The section on the left hand side of the image depicts all the different sources which provides the input data...


What is Apache Spark?

Apache Spark is a powerful open source processing engine, with a cluster computing framework. Spark is designed in such a way to ensure lightening fast data processing of large datasets. this includes Batch processing...